As the title says, welcome to the Lost The Plot blog. Here you will find pics, videos and updates on the goings on surrounding a group of people who enjoy playing SKATE 2 by EA.
We're not fussy which version of the game you own, wether its PS3, XBox 360, SKATE or SKATE 2, so long as you can provide video footage of cool tricks, or compilation video's you've put together and don't mind sticking the Lost The Plot logo (at the top of this post) in your vid somewhere.
It would also be cool if someone wanting to join could make us an official graphic that our members could put onto their boards, hats, shirts within SKATE 2 if they so wish. Y'know just to spread the name of Lost The Plot a little more.
Anyhow, our first video will be available shortly, featuring our first (and so far only) member, ChixieNRiva, aka me.
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